CLE Seminars

The American Bar Association has an on-demand video library, which includes 500+ past CLE webinars.

Roadmap of Venture Capital and Angel Funding
July 8 & 9/10:00–11:00 AM (each day)
Audio webcast

Rapidly growing companies often raise capital in “angel” or venture capital transactions. Investors provide capital in exchange for carefully structured equity rights and frequently some form of governance rights. Investors also often provide the company with industry expertise, contacts, and access that may be as valuable as financial capital. These funding transactions can take a startup or more mature company to higher levels of growth. But they are complex transactions that can involve a dozen or more interrelated documents. This program will provide you with a practical guide to the stages and documentation of an angel or venture capital transaction.

Day 1:

  • Current state of angel and venture capital markets & trends in deal terms
  • Review of the suite of documents involved in most funding deals
  • Methods of valuation and their impact on successive stages of investment
  • Reviewing or drafting terms sheets – pitfalls and opportunities
  • Angel investing – equity v. debt, common terms, impact on later venture capital funding

Register for Day 1

Day 2:

  • Review of most highly negotiated terms in funding deals
  • Investor protections – information  & veto rights, liquidity event rights
  • Liquidation preferences, anti-dilution rights, and dividends
  • Striking the right balance between founders/managers and investors on the board
  • Options pools for founders, managers and employees

Register for Day 2


2024 Ethics and Social Media Update
July 10/10:00–11:00 AM

Audio webcast

Lawyers use social media technology to collect and share information, and communicate with others, not only personally but also when acting as lawyers. Important and probative information about a case can be more easily found on social media than elsewhere. Social media is also easily used to communicate with existing or potential clients, colleagues or opposing lawyers, and the public. These and other uses of social media raise substantial ethical issues for lawyers – competence, confidentiality, preservation of the attorney-client privilege, and honesty. This program will provide you with a practical guide to ethical issues when lawyers use social media for communication purposes in law practice.


2024 Family and Medical Leave Update
July 17/10:00–11:00 AM

Audio webcast

This program will provide you with a practical guide to developments under the Family and Medical Leave Act and review trends in employee leave generally. The program will cover significant case law and regulatory developments, as well as the practical trends in dispute and litigation impacting your employer clients. The program will cover the impact of technology, contract employees, and other changes in the workforce, and discuss their impact on traditional leave law. This program will provide you with a real-world guide to significant legal and practical developments under FMLA and employee leave generally.


Drafting Supply Agreements
July 19/10:00–11:00 AM
Audio webcast

Supply contracts are the backbone of many businesses, providing the buying with essential goods for a production process or finished product inventory for sale. In the supply chains these agreements create, time is of the essence. Buyers rely on timely delivery of quality raw material or inventory. Production and sales are often finely calibrated for just in time delivery. In addition, there area wide range of liability issues involved in these agreements because any disruption of the supply chain can cause substantial losses. This program will provide you with a practical guide to reviewing the most important provisions of supply agreements for clients.


Secured Transactions Practice: Security Agreements to Foreclosures
July 24 & 25/10:00–11:00 AM (each day)
Audio webcast

Secured transactions are the most common form of commercial transaction and help finance businesses of every size. They are governed by the complex provisions of UCC Article 9. Getting every detail in financing statements, security agreements, and perfection of credits is essential. Agreements can be costly and time consuming to draft, and full of risk. Failure to comply with UCC Article 9 in drafting security agreements, perfecting a creditor’s interest, or foreclosing a lien can easily cause the value of the underlying transaction to be lost. This program will provide you with a real-world guide UCC Article 9 practice.

Day 1:

  • Lifecycle of UCC Article 9 secured transactions
  • Drafting cost-effective and enforceable security agreements
  • What to do when something about the debtor changes – e.g., name, location, ownership
  • Accounts receivable, inventory, equipment, intellectual property
  • Anti-assignment provisions regarding collateral
  • Enhancing enforceability of security agreements and reduce risks in foreclosure

Register for Day 1

Day 2:

  • Framework for the foreclosure of personal property under UCC Article 9
  • Foreclosing on equipment, inventory, intellectual property, and accounts receivable
  • Duties of junior creditors to senior creditors on foreclosure
  • Rights to proceeds of foreclosure sales and reducing foreclosure costs
  • Rights of guarantors
  • Debtor remedies in the event of a secured party default
  • Cost-efficient alternatives to foreclosures and circumstances when these alternatives are available

Register for Day 2



Ethical Issues When You Have a Dishonest Client
July 29/10:00–11:00 AM
Audio webcast

One of the dangers of practicing law is that, now and again, you get a dishonest client. Your client may be misleading you – and others – about the facts of their case, either through silence or affirmative misstatements. Or they may be telling you one thing and others something else different. You may discover proof of the dishonesty or just suspect it. Client dishonesty raises many ethical issues. What must you do to ensure your client is telling you the truth? What if you discover a client is lying to a court or tribunal? Are you allowed to disclose the dishonesty despite the duty of client confidentiality? Are there degrees of client dishonesty – some acceptable, others not? This program will provide you with a guide to the substantial ethical issues when client dishonesty is discovered or suspected.